Friday 23 September 2016


1.write about the following topic:

Modern children are suffering from those diseases which were once considered to be meant for the adults only.Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children. what are its causes? Discuss its remedies too.

Sample answer:

Everybody has a picture of a child being slim,active and physically fit. But it is the tragedy of the modern era that the children of today are suffering from obesity and other problems which are generally related to the people in their thirties.Our heart aches to see school going  children very obese and is on duty to diagnose the problem and seek a solution for the same.

The children of today are very found of fast food and fizzy drinks.There is hardly any child who is not fond of pizza,burger,noodles,potato chips,ice cream and so on.Not only children,parents also buy confectionery items like biscuits,cakes etc. Which are calorie rich.This overdose of calorie rich diet followed by almost zero physical exercise is mainly responsible for this serious problem.

The earliest joint family system has failed giving birth to nuclear families.Family income has increased considerably.Parents now have either one child or at the most two.They are over indulgent regarding the diet on their children.However,they forget that they should be equally worried about the physical exertion of their children.The end result is that fat deposits in their body which multiplies with their sedentary life style.It would not to wrong to say here that care kills the cat.

Many a time we see that children do not have any time for outdoor games.They are crushed under the weight of studies.They only play indoor games.In fact,sports grounds are not easily available in the cities.In the way we can not hold only children responsible for their obesity.

We have to take some steps in the regard.Outdoor games must be encouraged.In Canada fast food are banned in the some schools;natural juices and porridge are allowed.

2. Write about the following topic:

Modern youth is treading the path of fast life which has given birth to life wedded to crime.What are the causes of violence among the youth and what can be done to check it?

Sample answer:

There is no denying the fact that modern inventions and discoveries of science and technology have brought a tremendous change in our life style.But they have given birth to many serious problems.The modern youth is becoming over ambitious which has lead to a tendency to commit crime among the adolescents.This tendency among the young boys and girls is called juvenile delinquency.Juvenile delinquency is increasingly becoming a major problem in our country.Everyday we read or watch or hear about crimes committed by young people who are either in their teens or in their twenties.Many of them have virtually taken to a life of crime and organized themselves into gangs.Quite often they are involved in such crimes as thefts and murders.Any dispassionate analysis of the problem will,however,reveal that not one but many factors are responsible for this miss.

The principle villain is the current economic situation in the word.Most of the parents are busy in their daily struggle for economic survival and independence.Many mothers have to work in offices,schools,colleges and other work places to augment the meager family income.Modern parents have no time for their children who naturally feel neglected.This lack of parental love and care creates a vacuum in the lives of the adolescent children and hence they resort to some kind of adventure to fill this vacuum.Secondly,wide spread unemployment holds little hope of a successful career for younger people.By studying hard and observing all the accepted norms,they doubt whether they can achieve anything in life.This fear and uncertainty of the future compels many to look for easy gain and shortcut to success.

The mass media,specially newspapers,magazines,films and T.V serials also play their role in encouraging the young people to take crime.Many films provide a heavy dose of crime,violence and sex.

Keeping in view all these reasons of violence among the youth,we must do something to check this cancer which is eating into the vitals of our society.What is needed is a concerted effort to attack this increasing problem from all sides.We have to provide not only time but also love and care to the young people who are really rejected.

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